Follow Abraham Joffe and untitled film works explore the exciting possibilities of "motion image photography". With interviews with such industry leaders as Philip Bloom, Sue Bryce and many more.
Exploring how "photography" can be aided by capturing the moments through the moving image. Photographic genres include the areas of fashion, wildlife, wedding and portraits.
To read the full blog post and see the high resolution 4K stills click here:
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Credits + Thanks:
Firstly a huge thanks to our stellar untitled editor Hayley Yeoh for putting together the film in such a short time frame before Christmas. Also the professional image makers who gave of their time to be interviewed who included: Dean Bentick (inlighten photography) Brett Purmel, David Stowe (Society photography), Ryan Schembri (Xsight) Sue Bryce, Phillip Bloom, Wissam Abdallah, Graham Monro (gm photographics) Michael Martin (MM Photos). Thank you to Sun Studios + Peter Osborne for opening their doors to us for shooting and printing. Others to thank for your support and encouragement: Jay Collier and Selena Simpson, Rachael Bentick, Paul Stewart, Charles Montesin, Sam Hannaford, Helen Giovas Sotiropoulos, Pippa Walton + Ray Schembri, Erica Salmon, Kelly + James Rutty, Laekin + Chris Rose, Ben Joffe, Untitled film works crew + support: Andrew Prochuk, Turei Cooze, Kylie Lewis, Lorna-Jean Bradley, Matt Teague, Volkan Dogan, John Alten – Sandisk Australia. The biggest thank you of all goes to my darling fiance Jen who has put up with the ridiculous hours of absence leading up to Christmas working on this project.